Eryk Sun <> added the comment:

Putting words into action, here's an example of what a privileged process (e.g. 
running as SYSTEM) can do if a script or application is written to call the 
undocumented NT API function NtMakePermanentObject(). A use case would be a 
script running as a system service that needs a shared-memory section object to 
persist after the service is stopped or terminated, e.g. such that the section 
is still accessible if the service is resumed. Anyway, this is just an example 
of what's possible, from a technical perspective.

By default, named kernel objects are temporary:

    >>> import os, _winapi, ctypes
    >>> from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory
    >>> name = f'spam_{os.getpid()}'
    >>> m = SharedMemory(name, True, 8192)
    >>> m.close()
    >>> try: SharedMemory(name)
    ... except OSError as e: print(e)
    [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'spam_6592'

Global permanent example:

Enable privileges for the current thread:

    >>> import win32api; from win32security import *
    >>> ImpersonateSelf(SecurityImpersonation)
    >>> ht = OpenThreadToken(win32api.GetCurrentThread(), da, False)
    >>> ps[0][0] = LookupPrivilegeValue(None, 'SeCreatePermanentPrivilege')
    >>> ps[1][0] = LookupPrivilegeValue(None, 'SeCreateGlobalPrivilege')
    >>> AdjustTokenPrivileges(ht, False, ps)
    ((16, 0),)

Create a global section object, and make it permanent:

    >>> name = rf'Global\spam_{os.getpid()}'
    >>> m = SharedMemory(name, True, 8192)
    >>> from win32con import DELETE
    >>> h = _winapi.OpenFileMapping(DELETE, False, name)
    >>> ntdll = ctypes.WinDLL('ntdll')
    >>> ntdll.NtMakePermanentObject(h)
    >>> _winapi.CloseHandle(h)

A permanent object persists after the last handle is closed:

    >>> m.close()
    >>> m = SharedMemory(name) # This works now.

Make the section object temporary again:

    >>> h = _winapi.OpenFileMapping(DELETE, False, name)
    >>> ntdll.NtMakeTemporaryObject(h)
    >>> _winapi.CloseHandle(h)
    >>> m.close()
    >>> try: SharedMemory(name)
    ... except OSError as e: print(e)
    [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'Global\\spam_6592'


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