Matt Wozniski <> added the comment:

Pardon me for necroing an old issue, but someone pointed out the surprising 
behavior of `__len__` being called twice by `list(iterable)`, and it caught my 
 made it so that `list.__init__(iterable)` calls `iterable.__len__()` before 
calling `list.extend()`, to preallocate exactly the right amount of space, 
rather than allowing `list.extend()` to grow the array. That's because 
`list.extend()` can over-allocate.

What if instead, we made it so that `list.extend(iterable)` doesn't 
over-allocate when called on an empty list? In the two places where 
`list_extend` calls `list_resize` to grow the array, we'd check if 
`self->ob_item == NULL` and if so call `list_preallocate_exact` instead, and 
we'd remove the call to `list_preallocate_exact` from `list___init___impl`.

It seems like that ought to achieve the same goal as making `__init__` call 
preallocate exactly, without requiring the extra call to `__len__`.

nosy: +godlygeek

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