Maximilian Hils <> added the comment:

asvetlov: Sorry if I articulated myself badly, but I do think this is a valid 
bug. It's unfortunately hard to provide a better repro (I tried), but we are 
hitting this regularly when mitmproxy is accepting connections under heavy 
load. We're just calling `asyncio.start_server(handler, "", 8080)` in 
mitmproxy and never interact with the underlying socket object.

Here are some observations that are true for all crashes:

- The socket fileno is -1 when it crashes.
- `_call_connection_lost` is called by `_ProactorBasePipeTransport.close`, 
which is called by `_ProactorBasePipeTransport.__del__` [1]
- There are no previous calls to `_call_connection_lost`.
- Windows only, loopback connections in our case.
- Wireshark shows that client and server are first happily exchanging packets. 
At some point the client sends a FIN, which the Python server ACKs immediately. 
A few seconds later the Python server sends a FIN back.

An obvious fix without understanding the root cause would be to check fileno in
 I'm not too familar with proactor to assess if that is a good idea. Sorry for 
not being able to provide more details.



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