New submission from Julian Andres Klode <>:

The given example function initspam fails if an 

Based on some experience with my own code, I have found out that the
function import_spam() fails when the module is not importable. In this
case, it returns 0, although it should return -1 when an error occurs.

This causes a standalone program to crash if it has a main() function like:

    if (import_spam() < 0) {
        return 1;

The function should return -1, so we can know there is an error and are
able to handle it.

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 90325
nosy: georg.brandl, jak
severity: normal
status: open
title: import_spam() in extending python can fail without setting the error.
type: crash
versions: Python 2.6

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