New submission from Kevin Walzer <>:

In running IDLE against a build of Tk-Cocoa (8.5.7) on OS X, the edit and 
format menus sometimes hang and require a force-quit of IDLE. This happens 
when I try to paste text, and also when trying to format selections of 
text with indentation, etc. I've looked closely at the code for,,, and, and can 
find no obvious reason for these problems. I am confident that the problem 
is not with Tk-Cocoa itself, as copy, pasting, etc. in a basic Tkinter 
text widget presents no problems, but resides instead somewhere in IDLE's 
code and how it interacts with the Tk-Cocoa build. I'm testing against 
Python 2.6.2.

components: IDLE
messages: 90431
nosy: wordtech
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE with Tk-Cocoa: Edit, format menus hang
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6

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