Ezio Melotti <ezio.melo...@gmail.com> added the comment: Thanks for the patch.
Three minor things: 1) the source contains non-ASCII chars and an encoding declaration at the beginning of the file. PEP8 says that "using \x, \u or \U escapes is the preferred way to include non-ASCII data in string literals", so I would use \x escapes and remove the encoding declaration; 2) the class "stream_source" should be named "StreamSource" unless there are compatibility or consistency issues; 3) patches should be done against trunk first (your patch applies fine on trunk too and the tests pass), they will then be ported to py3k. ---------- keywords: +needs review nosy: +ezio.melotti priority: -> normal stage: -> patch review versions: +Python 3.1 _______________________________________ Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org> <http://bugs.python.org/issue7594> _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-bugs-list/archive%40mail-archive.com