Kirk Vander Meulen <> added the comment:

I've also confirmed this one (by chance).  I'm on ubuntu linux, and I am seeing 
the problem in both 2.6 and 3.1, both using Tk 8.5.  I don't see the problem on 
my windows install (Vista, python 2.5, not sure of the Tk version right now).  
But I did find a hack around this by explicitly creating and destroying a top 
level window following the askdirectory() dialog.  Try this snippet on 
linux/unix, the call to askyesno() returns False always.

import tkFileDialog,tkMessageBox,Tkinter
addDirectory=tkMessageBox.askyesno('a dialog','Add a directory?')
print addDirectory

But the following works fine:

import tkFileDialog,tkMessageBox,Tkinter
addDirectory=tkMessageBox.askyesno('a dialog','Add a directory?')
print addDirectory

nosy: +kvander11

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