Craig McQueen <> added the comment:

Thanks, good points. I'm thinking with a C background and the fixed-width data 
types. The 0xFF could be needed if the data_byte is actually a larger number 
and you need to ensure only the lowest 8 bits are set. Or, if there is some 
sign-extending going on with the right-shift. That could happen in Python if 
the user passed a negative 'crc' in to the function (for whatever reason).

Yes, I'm missing a final mask. Thanks for pointing that out. I was thinking 
like a C programmer!

As for crc << 8 >> crc_width... the 'crc << 8' could bump an integer into long 
territory, making calculations slower. E.g.:

    >>> 2**23 << 8 >> 16

    >>> 2**23 >> (16 - 8)


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