Meador Inge <> added the comment:

Hi All,

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 5:07 AM, Mark Dickinson <>wrote:

> Mark Dickinson <> added the comment:
> Some of the proposed struct module additions look far from straightforward;
>  I find that section of the PEP significantly lacking in details and
> motivation.

I agree.

> "Unpacking a long-double will return a decimal object or a ctypes
> long-double."
> Returning a Decimal object here doesn't make a lot of sense, since Decimal
> objects aren't generally compatible with floats.  And ctypes long double
> objects don't seem to exist, as far as I can tell.  It might be better not
> to add this code.

And under what conditions would a ctype long double be used vs. a Decimal


Another bit that's not clear to me:  how is unpacking an object pointer
> expected to work, and how would it typically be used?  What if the unpacked
> pointer no longer points to a valid Python object?  How would this work in
> other Python implementations?

I guess if an object associated with the packed address does not exist, then
you would unpack None (?).  This is especially a problem if the struct-sting
is being sent over the wire to another machine.

> For the 'X{}' format (pointer to a function), is this supposed to mean a
> Python function or a C function?

I read that as a Python function.  However, I am not completely sure how the
prototype would be enforced when unpacking.  I am also wondering, though,
how the signatures on pointers-to-functions are specified?  Are
the arguments and return type full struct strings as well?

> What's a 'specific pointer'?

I think this means a pointer to a specific type, e.g. '&d' is a pointer to a
double. If this is the case, though, the use cases are not completely clear
to me.

I also have the following questions:

* Can pointers be nested, '&&d' ?
* What nesting level can structures have? Arbitrary?
* The new array syntax claims "multi-dimensional array of whatever follows".

  Truly whatever? Arrays of structures? Arrays of pointers?
* "complex (whatever the next specifier is)".  Not really 'whatever'.  You
  can not have a 'complex bool' or 'complex int'.  What other types of
  complex are there besides complex double?
* How do array specifiers and pointer specifiers mix?  For example, would
  '(2, 2)&d' be a two-by-two array of pointers to doubles?  What about
  '&(2, 2)d'?  Is this a pointer to an two-by-two array of doubles?

The new features of the struct-string syntax are so different that I think
need to specify a grammar.  I think it will clarify some of the open

In addition, I was thinking that a reasonable implemenation strategy would
be to keep the current struct-string syntax mostly in place within the C
implementation.  The C implementation would just provide an interface to
pack\unpack sequences of primitive data elements.  Then we could write a
layer in the Python 'struct' module that took care of the higher-order
concepts like nested structures, arrays, named values, and pointers to
functions.  The higher-order concepts would be mapped to the appropriate
primitive sequence strings.

I think this will simplify the implementation and will provide a way to
it.  We can implement the primitive type extensions in C first followed by
the higher-level Python stuff.  The result of each phase is immediately

I have attached a patch against the PEP containing my current thoughts on
fleshing out the grammar and some of the current open questions.  This still
needs work, but I wanted to share to see if I am on the right track.
 Please advise on how to proceed.

keywords: +patch
Added file:
Added file:

Python tracker <>
<div>Hi All,</div><div><br></div>On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 5:07 AM, Mark 
Dickinson <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a 
wrote:<br><div class="gmail_quote"><blockquote class="gmail_quote" 
style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
Mark Dickinson &lt;<a 
href="";></a>&gt; added the 
Some of the proposed struct module additions look far from straightforward;  I 
find that section of the PEP significantly lacking in details and 
motivation.<br></blockquote><div> </div><div>I 
agree.</div><div> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">

&quot;Unpacking a long-double will return a decimal object or a ctypes 
Returning a Decimal object here doesn&#39;t make a lot of sense, since Decimal 
objects aren&#39;t generally compatible with floats.  And ctypes long double 
objects don&#39;t seem to exist, as far as I can tell.  It might be better not 
to add this code.</blockquote>
<div><br></div><div>And under what conditions would a ctype long double be used 
vs. a Decimal object.</div><div> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" 
style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
 </blockquote><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
Another bit that&#39;s not clear to me:  how is unpacking an object pointer 
expected to work, and how would it typically be used?  What if the unpacked 
pointer no longer points to a valid Python object?  How would this work in 
other Python implementations?<br>
</blockquote><div><br></div><div>I guess if an object associated with the 
packed address does not exist, then you would unpack None (?).  This is 
especially a problem if the struct-sting is being sent over the wire to another 
<div> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
For the &#39;X{}&#39; format (pointer to a function), is this supposed to mean 
a Python function or a C function?<br></blockquote><div><br></div><div>I read 
that as a Python function.  However, I am not completely sure how the 
prototype would be enforced when unpacking.  I am also wondering, though, how 
the signatures on pointers-to-functions are specified?  Are the arguments and 
return type full struct strings as well?</div>
<div> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">
What&#39;s a &#39;specific pointer&#39;?</blockquote><div><br></div><div>I 
think this means a pointer to a specific type, e.g. &#39;&amp;d&#39; is a 
pointer to a double. If this is the case, though, the use cases are not 
completely clear to me.</div>
</div><br>I also have the following questions:
<div><br></div><div><div>* Can pointers be nested, &#39;&amp;&amp;d&#39; 
?</div><div>* What nesting level can structures have? Arbitrary?</div><div>* 
The new array syntax claims &quot;multi-dimensional array of whatever 
follows&quot;.  </div>
<div>  Truly whatever? Arrays of structures? Arrays of pointers?</div><div>* 
&quot;complex (whatever the next specifier is)&quot;.  Not really 
&#39;whatever&#39;.  You</div><div>  can not have a &#39;complex bool&#39; 
or &#39;complex int&#39;.  What other types of</div>
<div>  complex are there besides complex double?</div><div>* How do array 
specifiers and pointer specifiers mix?  For example, 
would</div><div>  &#39;(2, 2)&amp;d&#39; be a two-by-two array of pointers to 
doubles?  What about</div>
<div>  &#39;&amp;(2, 2)d&#39;?  Is this a pointer to an two-by-two array of 
doubles?</div><div><br></div><div>The new features of the struct-string syntax 
are so different that I think we </div><div>need to specify a grammar.  I 
think it will clarify some of the open</div>
<div>questions.  </div><div><br></div><div>In addition, I was thinking that a 
reasonable implemenation strategy would</div><div>be to keep the current 
struct-string syntax mostly in place within the C 
module </div><div>implementation.  The C implementation would just provide an 
interface to </div>
<div>pack\unpack sequences of primitive data elements.  Then we could write 
a </div><div>layer in the Python &#39;struct&#39; module that took care of the 
higher-order </div><div>concepts like nested structures, arrays, named values, 
and pointers to</div>
<div>functions.  The higher-order concepts would be mapped to the 
appropriate</div><div>primitive sequence strings.</div><div><br></div><div>I 
think this will simplify the implementation and will provide a way to 
<div>it.  We can implement the primitive type extensions in C first followed 
by</div><div>the higher-level Python stuff.  The result of each phase is 
immediately usuable.</div><div><br></div><div>I have attached a patch against 
the PEP containing my current thoughts on</div>
<div>fleshing out the grammar and some of the current open questions.  This 
still needs work, but I wanted to share to see if I am on the right track. 
 Please advise on how to proceed.</div></div>
Index: pep-3118.txt
--- pep-3118.txt        (revision 78193)
+++ pep-3118.txt        (working copy)
@@ -637,9 +637,54 @@
 ctypes and NumPy for example).  The Python 2.5 specification is 
-Here are the proposed additions:
+The grammar of the original struct string-syntax is very simple.  It consist of
+a byte-order specifier followed by a character code which may optionally be 
+preceded by a numeric count::
+   struct-string ::= <byte-order-specifier> (<count> <code>)*
+   byte-order-specifier ::= '!' | '@' | '=' | '>' | '<' | '^'
+   count ::= <integer>
+   code ::= 'x' | 'c' | 'b' | 'B' | '?' | 'h' | 'H' | 'i' | 'I' | 'l' | 'L'
+          | 'q' | 'Q' | 'f' | 'd' | 's' | 'p' | 'P'
+The proposed additions will extend this syntax by adding support for new
+primitive types, name specifiers, detailed structure layout, and 
+function-pointers.  The  high-level structure of the new syntax is::
+   struct-string ::= (<type-string> <name-specifier>?)*
+   type-string ::= <primitive>
+                 | <structure>
+                 | <pointer-to-function>
+The struct module will be changed to understand this new syntax  and
+return appropriate Python objects on unpacking.  White-space in the 
+struct-string syntax will be ignored, if it isn't already.  The details
+of the grammar elements *primitive*, *name-specifier*, *structure*, 
+and *pointer-to-function* are described in the following sub-sections.
+In addition to implementing this new syntax, functions should be added to 
+ctypes to create a ctypes object from a struct description, and add 
+long-double, and ucs-2 to ctypes.
+Primitive Extensions
+The extenstions to the primitive data types will provide new type codes,
+the ability to change byte-order mid-stream, and a way to specify pointers 
+to data::
+   primitive ::= <byte-order-specifier> <count>? <array-specifier>? 
<pointer-specifier>+ <code>
+   byte-order-specifier ::= '!' | '@' | '=' | '>' | '<' | '^'
+   count ::= <integer>
+   pointer-specifier ::= '&'
+   array-specifier ::= '(' <integer> (',' <integer>)* ')'
+   code ::= 'x' | 'c' | 'b' | 'B' | '?' | 'h' | 'H' | 'i' | 'I' | 'l' | 'L'
+          | 'q' | 'Q' | 'f' | 'd' | 's' | 'p' | 'P' | 't' | 'g' | 'u' | 'w' 
+          | 'O' | 'Z'
+The new *code* types and modifications to old *code* types are described as 
 ================  ===========
 Character         Description
 ================  ===========
@@ -650,45 +695,75 @@
 'u'               ucs-2 
 'w'               ucs-4 
 'O'               pointer to Python Object 
-'Z'               complex (whatever the next specifier is)
-'&'               specific pointer (prefix before another character) 
-'T{}'             structure (detailed layout inside {}) 
-'(k1,k2,...,kn)'  multi-dimensional array of whatever follows 
-':name:'          optional name of the preceeding element 
-'X{}'             pointer to a function (optional function 
-                    signature inside {} with any return value
-                    preceeded by -> and placed at the end)
+'Z'               complex
 ================  ===========
-The struct module will be changed to understand these as well and
-return appropriate Python objects on unpacking.  Unpacking a
-long-double will return a decimal object or a ctypes long-double.
-Unpacking 'u' or 'w' will return Python unicode.  Unpacking a
-multi-dimensional array will return a list (of lists if >1d).
-Unpacking a pointer will return a ctypes pointer object. Unpacking a
-function pointer will return a ctypes call-object (perhaps). Unpacking
-a bit will return a Python Bool.  White-space in the struct-string
-syntax will be ignored if it isn't already.  Unpacking a named-object
-will return some kind of named-tuple-like object that acts like a
-tuple but whose entries can also be accessed by name. Unpacking a
-nested structure will return a nested tuple.
+The *pointer-specifier* is used to denote a pointer to a specified type.  
+For example, '&g' represents a pointer to a long-double and '&&I' respresents
+a pointer to a pointer to an unsigned integer.
-Endian-specification ('!', '@','=','>','<', '^') is also allowed
-inside the string so that it can change if needed.  The
-previously-specified endian string is in force until changed.  The
-default endian is '@' which means native data-types and alignment.  If
-un-aligned, native data-types are requested, then the endian
+The *array-specifier* is used to denote homogenous multi-dimensional areas
+of memory.  The type-code immediately following the array-specifier denotes
+the type of the elements in that memory area.  This extension also allows 
+specifying if the data is supposed to be viewed as a (C-style contiguous, 
+last-dimension varies the fastest) multi-dimensional array of a particular 
+The *byte-order-specifier* is now allowed inside the string so that it can 
+change if needed.  The previously specified byte-order specifier is in force 
+until changed.  The default byte-order is '@' which means native data-types 
+alignment.  If un-aligned, native data-types are requested, then the byte-order
 specification is '^'.
-According to the struct-module, a number can preceed a character
-code to specify how many of that type there are.  The
-``(k1,k2,...,kn)`` extension also allows specifying if the data is
-supposed to be viewed as a (C-style contiguous, last-dimension
-varies the fastest) multi-dimensional array of a particular format.
+The following unpacking requirements must be met:
-Functions should be added to ctypes to create a ctypes object from
-a struct description, and add long-double, and ucs-2 to ctypes.
+* a long-double will return a decimal object or a ctypes long-double.
+* 'u' or 'w' will return Python unicode.  
+* a multi-dimensional array will return a list (of lists if >1d).
+* a pointer will return a ctypes pointer object. 
+* a bit will return a Python Bool. 
+* a pointer to a Python Object will return the Python Object associated with
+  the address encoded in the struct-string if a Python Object of that address
+  exist.  Otherwise, None is returned.
+Named Specifier
+The name specifier is used to associate names with values in the 
+   name-specifier := ':' <string> ':'
+The following unpacking requirements must be met:
+* a named-object will return some kind of named-tuple-like object 
+  that acts like a tuple but whose entries can also be accessed by name.
+Structure Layout
+The new structure layout syntax provides a way to specify a detailed
+structure layout::
+   structure := 'T' '{' <struct-string> '}'
+Structures may be arbitrarily nested.
+The following unpacking requirements must be met:
+* Unpacking a nested structure will return a nested tuple.
+Pointer to Functions
+The pointer to a function syntax provides a way to specify ...::
+   pointer-to-function := 'X' '{' <signature>? '}
+   signature := <struct-string> '->' <string-string>
+The following unpacking requirements must be met:
+* a function pointer will return a ctypes call-object (perhaps). 
 Examples of Data-Format Descriptions
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