Eric Smith <> added the comment:

It occurs to me that Raymond's use case could be satisfied using existing 
Python, by slightly changing the format string. After all, str.format() 
supports mapping lookup already:

$ ./python.exe
Python 2.6.5+ (release26-maint:79421, Mar 25 2010, 08:51:39)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646) (dot 1)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> class Default(dict):
...  def __missing__(self, key):
...   return key
>>> s = '{m[name]} was born in {m[country]}'
>>> s.format(m=Default(name='Guido'))
'Guido was born in country'

Considering that, maybe the best thing is to do nothing. Or maybe update the 
documentation with this example.

Plus, you could mix and match this with *args as you'd like.


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