Giampaolo Rodola' <> added the comment:

> I don't understand your reasoning. These are separate connections, 
> closing one shouldn't affect the other.

I meant another thing. I was talking about the fact that the test server 
attempts to shutdown() both control and data connections while the client only 
shutdown() the latter one. Maybe that's why you get EPIPE.

> If you really think this is a good idea, feel free to give it a try.

I whish but I'm having serious setup problems problems because I attempted to 
install different OpenSSL versions and now I'm no longer able to compile Python.
Anyway, I'll give another try later today. =)

> But please see newssl2.patch as well.

- ftplib.FTP_TLS.quit: I wouldn't call unwrap() here as RFC-4217 does that only 
when dealing with CCC command which is not implemented by

- I'd be for calling _do_ssl_shutdown() from handle_close() instead of from 
close() (reasons explained in my previous message)

- If EPIPE is still raised I'd try to move the shutdown() code from 
SSLConnection.handle_close() to DummyTLS_DTPHandler.handle_close().


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