Keith Brafford <> added the comment:

Ok, let's zero in on how this should work.  I'll start the concrete proposal 
discussion in terms of how it would have worked with the old-style specifiers 
(since I am more familiar with that method) and we can bring it up to Py3K 
standards as a group.

I was thinking something along these lines:
%[<space> | 0 ][.precision]m

where the optional space or zero means that you want the whole number part of 
the output to be padded to three digits, either with spaces or prepended 
zeroes.  No space or zero means no prepending of anything.

The .precision would be the number of digits after the decimal point you want 
to see.  If you don't specify this, then the default would be something that 
people agreed made the most sense, say 4 for now.

f = math.pi * 1e-5
print f
print "%m" % f
print "% m" % f
print "%0m" % f
print "% m.6" % f

Mark brought up this point:

e.g. format(12345.678, '.5m'):  Should the '5' indicate 5 digits
after the point (giving '12.34568e+3' in this case), or 5 significant
digits in total (giving '12.345e+3').  

I tend to think that it's more important that the precision number tell you the 
number of digits after the decimal point.  This is because the underlying float 
still has all of the precision, and the format specifier is used simply to make 
the printout look correct.  Being able to specify that you want three slots 
before the point, then a constant number after the point lets you get perfectly 
aligned columns in a tabular printout without a lot of fuss.

I wrote a class that I've been using to test these formats out with (attached). 
 I use it like this:

>>> from efloat impot EFloat as E

it has a class "precision" value that you can set:

>>> E.precision = 5
>>> E(math.pi)
>>> E(math.pi / 1e-9)
>>> E(math.pi / 1e-2)
>>> E(math.pi / 1e-5)

It has a slight bug, though.  It doesn't give me two digits of exponent, which 
would be required in the engineering format specifier, IMHO, so that 
programmers can easily get constant tabular column widths.

nosy: +Keith.Brafford
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