New submission from Julian <>:

Since Python 2.6, httplib has offered a timeout parameter for fetches. As the 
documentation explains, if this parameter is not provided, it uses the global 

What the document doesn't explain is httplib builds on top of the socket 
library. The socket library has a default timeout of None (i.e. forever). This 
may be an appropriate default for general sockets, but it is a poor default for 
httplib; typical http clients would use a timeout in the 2-10 second range.

This problem is propagated up to urllib2, which sits on httplib, and further 
obscures that the default might be unsuitable.

>From an inspection of the manuals, Python 3.0.1 suffers from the same problem 
>except, the names have changed. urllib.response sits on http.client.

I, for one, made a brutal mistake of assuming that the "global default" would 
be some reasonable default for fetching web pages; I didn't have any specific 
timeout in mind, and was happy for the library to take care of it. Several 
million successful http downloads later, my server application thread froze 
waiting forever when talking to a recalcitrant web-server. I imagine others 
have fallen for the same trap.

While an ideal solution would be for httplib and http.client to use a more 
generally acceptable default, I can see it might be far too late to make such a 
change without breaking existing applications. Failing that, I would recommend 
that the documentation for httplib, urllib, urllib2, http.client and 
urllib.request (+ any other similar libraries sitting on socket? FTP, SMTP?) be 
changed to highlight that the default global timeout, sans deliberate override, 
is to wait a surprisingly long time.

assignee: d...@python
components: Documentation, Library (Lib)
messages: 104763
nosy: d...@python, oddthinking
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Unexpected default timeout in http-client-related libraries
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1

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