STINNER Victor <> added the comment:

I agree with Martin: codecs choosed the wrong direction in Python2, and it's 
fixed in Python3. The codecs module is related to charsets (encodings), should 
encode str to bytes, and should decode bytes (or any read buffer) to str.

Eg. rot13 "encodes" str to str.

"base64 bz2 hex zlib ...": use base64, bz2, binascii and zlib modules for that.

The documentation should be fixed (explain how to port code from Python2 to 

It's maybe possible for write some 2to3 fixers for the following examples:

"...".encode("base64") => base64.b64encode("...")
"...".encode("rot13") => do nothing (but display a warning?)
"...".encode("zlib") => zlib.compress("...")
"...".encode("hex") => base64.b16encode("...")
"...".encode("bz2") => bz2.compress("...")

"...".decode("base64") => base64.b64decode("...")
"...".decode("rot13") => do nothing (but display a warning?)
"...".decode("zlib") => zlib.decompress("...")
"...".decode("hex") => base64.b16decode("...")
"...".decode("bz2") => bz2.decompress("...")


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