Alexander Belopolsky <> added the comment:

> It seems to me that we should not try to produce an RFC 3339 compliant
> date string from a naive datetime.  It will be practical to accept
> that restriction once issue 5094 is resolved.

Does this mean that t.rfcformat() should fail if t is naive?

According to my reading of RFC 3339, it is not correct to produce 'Z' 
timestamps when local offset is not known.  My understanding is that compliant 
producers must either know their local timezone and specify correct offset in 
the suffix or produce UTC timestamps with '-00:00'.  Consumers receiving a 
'...Z' timestamp should be able to rely on that to conclude that the producer 
is in the UTC+0 timezone.  Raising an exception when local offset is not known 
is OK, but I think generating '-00:00' would be more useful.

Note that overall I am -1 on this proposal.  A naive application can probably 
get away with datetime.isoformat.  A strictly compliant RFC 3339 implementation 
is beyond the scope of datetime module and belongs to a separate module which 
should probably support parsing of RFC 3339 timestamps as well.

Rather than adding more xxxformat() methods, I would rather see datetime 
getting a custom __format__ that would be flexible enough to make writing 
standard formats easy.


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