Jean-Michel Fauth <> added the comment:

2010/6/4 Éric Araujo <>

> Éric Araujo <> added the comment:
> Could you think of a way to improve the docs on that point?
> ----------
> Quick and dirty answer.

I have ~10 years experience with Python and it seems
to me the io module is technically excellent.

However, I have found it is not so obvious to
understand the usage of all these arguments,
errors, encoding, line_buffering, ... in the
class constructors and methods like

The doc describes what these arguments are,
their states, but not too much how to use

As an exemple, I read some time ago on the c.l.p
mailing list, somebody complaining about the "encoding"
argument of the class TextIOWrapper. He defined an
"encoding='utf-8'" in the ctor and did not
understand why his "text" was not automagically
encoded. Answer: the encoding arg is only a kind
of information and does not do anything.

BTW, it was only when I read that post, I understand
a little bit more.


Added file:

Python tracker <>
<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">2010/6/4 Éric Araujo <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a 
 class="gmail_quote" style="margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; border-left: 1px solid 
rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
Éric Araujo &lt;<a href="";></a>&gt; 
added the comment:<br>
Could you think of a way to improve the docs on that point?<br>
<div><div></div><div class="h5"><br></div></div></blockquote></div>Quick and 
dirty answer.<br><br>I have ~10 years experience with Python and it seems<br>to 
me the io module is technically excellent.<br><br>However, I have found it is 
not so obvious to<br>
understand the usage of all these arguments,<br>errors, encoding, 
line_buffering, ... in the <br>class constructors and methods like<br><br>The doc describes what these arguments are,<br>their states, 
but not too much how to use<br>
them.<br><br>As an exemple, I read some time ago on the c.l.p<br>mailing list, 
somebody complaining about the &quot;encoding&quot;<br>argument of the class 
TextIOWrapper. He defined an <br>&quot;encoding=&#39;utf-8&#39;&quot; in the 
ctor and did not<br>
understand why his &quot;text&quot; was not automagically<br>encoded. Answer: 
the encoding arg is only a kind<br>of information and does not do 
anything.<br><br>BTW, it was only when I read that post, I understand<br>a 
little bit more.<br>
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