R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com> added the comment:

Éric, 'release blocker' policy depends on the release manager :)  Barry, for 
example, likes people to set release blocker on issues they want him to make 
sure he looks at before the release.  The release manager can always knock it 
down.  As can other developers if they judge it isn't really a release blocker 
(unless the RM set it or it was set specifically to get the RMs attention).

When you reset the priority on this one, though, you didn't give it a new 
priority.  I'm setting it to normal, since the bug report (at the moment at 
least) is only about a test failure.  If it represents a bug in the ability to 
build extensions on Windows with VS8, you could raise the priority.

nosy: +r.david.murray
priority:  -> normal

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