Kristján Valur Jónsson <> added the comment:

I conffess that I didn't follow the utf-8/surrogate discussion.
But the utf-8 encoding can encode all valid unicode characters:

UTF-8 may only legally be used to encode valid Unicode scalar values. According 
to the Unicode standard the high and low surrogate halves used by UTF-16 
(U+D800 through U+DFFF) and values above U+10FFFF are not legal Unicode values, 
and the UTF-8 encoding of them is an invalid byte sequence and should be 
treated as described above. (from wikipedia)

If we encounter surrogate halves when encoding (unicode) to utf-8, it means 
that we are really trying to decode utf-16 and reencode it as utf-8.  (and that 
python is using 16 bits for its unicode chars).  the utf--8 codec should be 
smart enough to merge the surrogates into a utf-32 char, and encode that.

Anyway, as you remark, my approach is a _patch_, designed to make python (2.x) 
work in an unicode environment, with the least amount of code change, for those 
willing to commit such a patch.  In 3.x you may want to do things differently.


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