New submission from William Barr <>:

Steps for reproduction:
1.  Open a new code window
2.  Enter python code which contains a syntax error
3.  F5 and attempt to run the file (This was done without saving first)
4.  Close the syntax error dialog.  
5.  Fix the syntax error and try to F5 again without saving again.  
6.  IDLE will encounter an error and unexpectedly close.  

I'm reporting this after having tested this on 4 different OSX 10.5.8 machines. 
 I'm not sure if other versions of Python are also susceptible to this as well.

components: IDLE
messages: 115491
nosy: Webs961
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Crashes upon run after syntax error encountered in OSX 10.5.8
type: crash
versions: Python 3.1

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