Julien ÉLIE <jul...@trigofacile.com> added the comment:

Maybe the bug should be reopened -- or the subject changed -- because the real 
issue is when I read:

# Incompatible changes from the 2.x nntplib:
# - all commands are encoded as UTF-8 data (using the "surrogateescape"
#   error handler), except for raw message data (POST, IHAVE)
# - all responses are decoded as UTF-8 data (using the "surrogateescape"
#   error handler), except for raw message data (ARTICLE, HEAD, BODY)

# UTF-8 is the character set for all NNTP commands and responses: they
# are automatically encoded (when sending) and decoded (and receiving)
# by this class.

That is not true.
What for XOVER/OVER answers?  They contain raw message data.  Why aren't they 
And XHDR/HDR answers?
(As I see that HEAD is excluded, then so should OVER and HDR...)

And AUTHINFO, as I have just explained in the comments here.


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