Julien ÉLIE <jul...@trigofacile.com> added the comment:

David, the headers are not at all supposed to be "utf-8" encoded.
For instance, have a look at the cn.bbs.comp.lang.python newsgroup:


If you look at the source of the articles, you will for instance see that the 
Subject: header field is not MIME-encoded.  It is directly written in gb2312.

That's how news works in the wild.  Please do not break nntplib in Python 3.2!

Regarding AUTHINFO, the specification is not broken at all.  Bytes are 
expected, not strings in a particular encoding.  Well, most people are in fact 
confused when they speak about encodings -- me included :-)
The specification is pretty clear:  NNTP expects bytes.  And my text string is 
"\xC9ric", that's all.  Please also do not break nntplib when providing such 
strings on class instantiation.


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