Alexander Belopolsky <> added the comment:

I don't understand Victor's argument in msg115889.  According to UTF-8 RFC, 

   -  US-ASCII values do not appear otherwise in a UTF-8 encoded
      character stream.  This provides compatibility with file systems
      or other software (e.g. the printf() function in C libraries) that
      parse based on US-ASCII values but are transparent to other

This means that printf-like formatters should not care whether the format 
string is in UTF-8, Latin1, or any other ASCII-compatible 8-bit encoding.  
(Passing in multibyte encoding pretending to be bytes would of course lead to 
havoc, but C type system will protect you from that.)

It is also fairly simple to ssnity-check for UTF-8 if necessary, but in case of 
PyUnicode_FromFormat, the resulting string will be decoded as UTF-8, so all 
characters in the format string will be checked anyways.

Am I missing something?

nosy: +belopolsky
status: closed -> open

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