New submission from Armin Rigo <>:

There is an issue in PyArg_ParseTuple() when using nested tuple arguments: it 
accepts a pure Python tuple-like argument, but it cannot work properly because 
PyArg_ParseTuple() is supposed to return borrowed references to the objects.  
For example, here is an attack on functools.partial().__setstate__(), which is 
written using

    PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "(OOOO)", ...)

Running crashes a debug build of Python, for me with Fatal Python 
error: _functoolsmodule.c:158 object at 0x9011748 has negative ref count 

The only way I can see to fix the crasher is to restrict the kind of argument 
that can be passed to mean a nested tuple.  To be paranoid, it should only 
allow real tuples; a bit more flexibly, lists probably work ok too.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 123466
nosy: arigo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PyArg_ParseTuple: refcount in nested tuples
Added file:

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