R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com> added the comment:

IMO there's no way to fix this.  I suggest closing it as invalid, since the 
problem is a buggy ISP DNS server, and the problem only occurs when 
time.xmlrpc.com is down.

The canonical fix to problems like this is to remove dependency on the external 
service, but that would presumably defeat the entire purpose of 
test_xmlrpc_net.  So one "fix" would be to delete this test entirely.  Which if 
we have mock-server xmlrpc tests, might not be out of the question as a 
solution.  Note that the second test in that file tests against the xmlrpc 
interface of our buildbot master, and that support has been formally removed by 
upstream and only restored by us...presumably at some point we'll drop support 
for it too, when it breaks too badly to be easily forward ported.

Since there was, if I remember correctly, an extended period when xmlrpc.com's 
time service was down, simply deleting this test file may in fact be the best 

nosy: +r.david.murray
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.2

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