New submission from arindam <>:

Function: _update_crc
statement: if eof and self._running_crc != self._expected_crc:

Due to comparison of long with int, "if eof and self._running_crc != 
self._expected_crc:" fails when _expected_crc is negative (0x80000000 or more). 
Type of _running_crc is long while _expected_crc is int.

How to reproduce: Unzip a zip file containing a file having CRC >= 0x80000000.

The issue is seen with 3.1 also.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 126250
nosy: arindam
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: ZipExtFile:_update_crc fails for CRC >= 0x80000000
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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