On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 2:15 AM, Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
> You can check in directly. The peps@ list is only for PEP authors
> without checkin privileges, or if you're not sure you have conformed
> to the PEP template sufficiently well. Picking a PEP number is
> arbitrated by svn (soon hopefully Hg). However always to make sure
> that your pep runs through pep2html without warnings or errors.

These days running genpepindex.py is also useful to make sure you
don't break the generation of PEP 0 (e.g. I found an error in the way
I had written the headers for PEP 3150 when I did that).

Useful commands (using PEP 3150 as my example):
python genpepindex.py # ./genpepindex.py only works if Python 2.5 is installed
./pep2html.py -b 3150 # Generate the PEP and open in a new browser window
./pep2html.py 3150 # Regenerate the PEP (hit refresh in the browser to
see changes)

The "-b" switch opens the wrong browser for me (Konqueror, despite
Firefox being set as default) but it's handy when it works. Otherwise
the HTML file is pretty easy to find manually (it is generated in the
same directory as the source text file)

You won't have the relevant CSS files, so the PEP won't be as nicely
formatted as it is on python.org, but you can still check that things
are coming out basically the way you want them to.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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