Wanting to finish up the difflib issue (#2986) with my first commits, I read
(especially 2.2.2 and 2.3), loaded TortoiseSVN, and successfully did a read-only checkout. But when I try to do the needed read-write checkout, I get a blank plink screen and ... nothing. I tried both with 'pythondev@' and Pageant running and without both after creating a svn.python.org profile. And ideas what to do next? Is there some step missing from the faq?

In attempting to verify that my commit privileges are working (2.8.2), I noticed that in order to log in with putty, or 'register' the private key with pageant, I need a 'passphrase'. If I gave one when generating the key, I have no memory of it and cannot find such written down after extensive search. So if either of the above is the unmentioned missing step, I will need for someone to replace my current public key after I generate a new pair. Who is currently available to do so?

For once, I would like copies of helpful responses sent directly to me. I am signed up for the digest version of this list and cannot login to change that. Mailman will not (at the moment, at least) accept the password that it generated for me and that it sends in the monthly reminders.


Terry Jan Reedy

python-committers mailing list

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