On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Victor Stinner
<victor.stin...@haypocalc.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The process to gain the commit priviledges is long, and it is sometimes
> difficult to decide if someone should have it or not. Would it be
> possible to have different "levels" of commit priviledes to simplify the
> process? Eg. first only be able to commit on a specific module, and then
> maybe more modules, to finally be able to commit everywhere. It doesn't
> need to be a technical limitation.
> The idea is to imply more people in the Python development and recognize
> their work.
> I remember that a rule to imply someone into the Python development is
> that we look for people in the long-term. Is the artial commit privilege
> compatible with this rule?
> What do you think? Would it be dangerous?

Trust-but-audit is a good way to handle that, and really matches what
we already do (my initial privileges years ago were specifically to
update PEP 343 when Guido didn't have time to revise it, then I
branched out from there into other things over time). As Terry noted,
knowing that every checkin you make is going to get dumped in a whole
pile of inboxes and posted publicly on the internet makes most sane
people a little nervous and keen to do the right thing :)

The main thing is for an existing committer to notice someone's
contributions and then volunteer to mentor them through the initial
process and keep an eye on their initial checkins.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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