Dnia 25 gru 2012 o godz. 13:37 Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> I'm well and truly to the point of caring far more about the feelings
> of people who get frustrated trying to deal with his obtuseness
> (whether that arises deliberately or through genuine cluelessness)
> than I care about his feelings. He has the entire internet to play on,
> we don't have to allow him access to python.org controlled resources.


I opened this thread so I feel somewhat responsible to carry this out to 
finish. Give me a day or two to contemplate on how to achieve the following:

1. Communicate what happened clearly and openly to our community.

2. Communicate to Anatoly the decision to cut him off.

3. Arrange for feasible technological ways to execute the ban on python.org 
resources, preparing also for vengeful action (which given the history is 
unfortunately likely).

4. Prepare for rectifying unjust PR by the banned person, etc.

I'm seriously considering writing all this as a PEP (most likely without any 
personal details). I hope this won't be useful in the future but it might help 
having this gathered as written policy, if only for transparency reasons.

What do you think?

I feel very bad that it has come to this but I strongly believe this is 
necessary to protect us as a community.
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