On Mon, 18 Mar 2013 15:17:23 -0700, Noah Kantrowitz <n...@coderanger.net> wrote:
> As part of the PyCon sprints I would like to move python.org off
> dinsdale to a VM at OSL. Due to the build system being tied to SVN,
> I'll also migrate that service on the same VM. Do any SVN repos other
> than www/ need to remain available? This would require at least some
> period of not changing the website, probably a few hours, but I don't
> think that would be a problem. This is mostly a legacy move so I'm not
> going to clean it up much, we'll have a new site soon enough.

While working on tests at the sprint I was reminded that there are
various tests in the Python standard library that depend on resources in
specific resources in specific locations at python.org.  We will need
a plan for finding and dealing with these before (or as?) the new web
site is turned up.


    request = urllib.request.Request("http://www.python.org/~jeremy/";)

And then there are things like:

    h = client.HTTPSConnection('svn.python.org', 443, context=context)

I don't think there are a huge number of these, but we will need to
deal with them.

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