On Oct 31, 2013, at 01:28 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>There's a trick to get the PEP 0 generator to move the release PEP to the
>historical section, too. I'd have to look at the source code to remember
>what it is, though.

        elif pep.type_ == 'Informational':
            # Hack until the conflict between the use of "Final"
            # for both API definition PEPs and other (actually
            # obsolete) PEPs is addressed
            if (pep.status == "Active" or
                "Release Schedule" not in pep.title):

So PEP 361 (the 2.6/3.0 release schedule PEP) actually does end up in the
Historical bin.  The PEP itself probably should have remained Active until

Do we want an explicit state for Status: Final -> Historical?

(TBH, I don't care enough to do any work on it. ;)


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