On 06.01.2014 22:34, Larry Hastings wrote:
> p.s.
> For what it's worth, the documentation for match() dodges this problem by 
> outright lying.  It claims
> that the prototype for the function is:
>     match(string[, pos[, endpos]])
> which is a lie.  pattern_match() parses its arguments by calling 
> PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords() with
> a format string of "O|nn".  Which means, for example, you could call:
>     match("abc", endpos=5)
> The documentation suggests this is invalid but it works fine.  So my feeling 
> is, this is a
> legitimate problem, and those who came before me swept it under the rug.

Looks like a documentation bug to me. Several functions were changed
to be keyword aware some years ago and the docs you quoted still list
the old positional format.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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