Am 16.01.14 12:38, schrieb Kristján Valur Jónsson:
> I suppose different projects have different ways, but I'm actually talking 
> about commercial projects with which I am somewhat familiar.
> Once a project goes into feature freeze, it is branched off so that continued 
> feature development can commence, while
> Defects are ironed out in the branch.  Bugs obviously get priority.  This 
> also applies to open source, I should think.

I agree with Matthias that it does not (apply):

- "Bugs obviously get priority". They do not, in free software.
  Priority gets instead what contributors like to work on.
- "continued feature development can commence". This is precisely what
  we do not want to happen. Instead, we want to direct attention towards
  bug fixing.

> Meanwhile, a keen contributor does not have to sit idle waiting for
> an extended RC phase to play out.

The hope is that, instead of sitting idle, they actually start working
on bugs, and contributing to finishing the release.

With a DVCS, there is of course an alternative, where one could start
working on new features while the trunk is in feature-freeze.


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