On 9/22/2014 2:12 PM, Ned Deily wrote:
In article <lvpkn3$mb4$1...@ger.gmane.org>, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu>

On 9/22/2014 10:15 AM, Larry Hastings wrote:

On behalf of the Python development community and the Python 3.4 release
team, I'm chuffed to announce the availability of Python 3.4.2rc1.
Python 3.4.2 has many bugfixes and other small improvements over 3.4.1.
One new feature for Mac OS X users: the OS X installers are now
distributed as signed installer package files compatible with the OS X
Gatekeeper security feature.

You can download it here:


Unfortunately, I cannot. This actually links to

This page, in spite of its name, does not have downloads.
Instead it has
"Please proceed to the download page for the download."
with 'download page' linked to this same page that does not have
downloads.  Something seems messed up on the site.

If I manually go to
I get a similar page with no downloads.  It has the same sentence as
above that links to the 341 page with no downloads.

The links should be OK now.

This page still has this misleading section and sentence
"Download Please proceed to the download page for the download." but it now links to itself rather than the 341 page. This should be removed.

The actual download files are now further down the page.

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