Le 16/07/2015 07:34, Brett Cannon a écrit :
> And three, we need a CoC. Not to explicitly call anyone out, but in the
> past week or so I have heard peoples' ideas called "ridiculous" and been
> told to "shut up" on various mailing lists.

Which mailing-lists? AFAIK, the CoC would be for python-dev and
python-ideas so, if any other MLs are under discussion, it would be good
to know.

> I have met people at PyCon
> numerous times who have viewed at least python-dev as at minimum cold
> and possibly hostile to people,

Each time someone voices such an opinion, it would be nice to get an
example from them, and how they feel the welcome should have been like
instead. Otherwise it will be hard to make any rational progress.
Propagating such opinions could further defeat the purpose
(self-reinforcing opinions, or "memes", abound).



> and that's simply not the kind of
> environment I would like to foster. I honestly think all of us --
> including me -- have been way too tolerant of core devs having bad
> attitudes and not calling them out on it, especially when they simply
> got too passionate and lost their composure (the magic of email is we
> can think before we send so tolerating outbursts of any regularity
> really shouldn't happen). Part of this tolerance for bad attitudes has
> been cultural, but having a CoC would help to start changing that by
> making people feel comfortable in standing up and stating they thought
> someone had been rude.
> Anyway, that's why I support having a CoC that applies to everything
> involving Python's development.
> -Brett from a tablet
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