Based on the thread a few weeks ago and the subsequent issue tracker
discussion at, I just committed an
initial version of a "Motivations & Affiliations" page in the
developer guide.

When the site next updates, that should appear at (it's the last
section in the main TOC, with the link appearing right at the bottom
of the main page).

In the meantime, the diff can be seen at

The first important section for core contributors is the "Limitations
on Scope":

That section spells out:

* this is optional, so only fill it in if you think it's in your
personal best interests to do so
* for those of us working for commercial redistributors and PSF
Sponsor Members, there's a financial transparency consideration, so we
should be inclined towards filling out an entry
* folks that are available for consulting or contract work are likely
to want to fill it out as a possible source of client lead generation
(either directly or via the PSF)

The second important section is the initial guidelines for filling out
entries, which are written in a ReST comment:

It's hard to judge how well that initial set of guidelines is going to
work with just the one entry, so I expect they may need to be revised
as more people start adding their own entries. However, I figured it
would be better to put the page live and have that discussion here as
people start filling it out, rather than speculating further on the
issue tracker.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
python-committers mailing list

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