On 21.01.2016 17:40, Steve Dower wrote:
> (I forget exactly who to contact about the certificate, so I'm going slightly 
> more broad.)
> The PSF's certificate we use to sign binaries and the installer for Windows 
> is a SHA-1 certificate,
> which has been deprecated as of the start of the year: http://aka.ms/sha1
> Already Windows may warn about the certificate on our current and past 
> releases, but because the
> signature is timestamped prior to 01Jan2016 it will not be blocked. However, 
> our next releases will
> be blocked (with a bypass available) unless we update the certificate to 
> SHA-2.
> Some sources have suggested that CAs will provide a SHA-2 certificate for 
> free on request.
> Supporting Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 appears to be complicated, 
> according to the link I
> gave above. I want to test the effect of only signing with SHA-2 on those 
> platforms and make a
> recommendation based on that, rather than trying to guess what will happen 
> (those OSs did not block
> downloaded files as aggressively as Windows 7+).
> Happy to take this off list once I know who handles this certificate.

I'm the one who handles the PSF StartSSL account and yes,
they also do code signing certificates.

I'd suggest to take this offlist.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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