On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 05:17:50PM +0000, Brett Cannon wrote:

> After a rather rude email on python-dev 

I haven't noticed this email. Care to link to it? We should be allowed 
to see what sort of behaviour is likely to treated as officially 
unacceptable in the future.

I think this is actually a very important point. I've seen forums and 
discussion groups where the enforcement of faux-politeness and "being 
friendly and positive" and "no jerks allowed" makes the place extremely 
hostile to anyone who doesn't follow the majority opinion. Where even 
polite disagreement is seen as "being a jerk". Since rudeness is so 
subjective, formal prohibitions on being "rude" is a potent weapon for 
groups to hijack a community by labelling anything and anyone they don't 
like as "rude". So I think it is important for us to know what you 
consider is rude enough to require a CoC.

> When people know they are expected to behave in a
> civil manner and others know they are allowed to call someone out for being
> uncivil it typically is enough to make people behave.

You don't need a CoC for that. Social expectations apply even without a 
formal set of rules.

> So there is no issue of people "being overburdened by regulations". The CoC
> only comes up when someone is being so rude that they need to be talked to
> about their attitude  problem, 

Who judges that point? Can *anyone* take it upon themselves to (let's 
say) say "Brett, you unilaterally changed the policy with no discussion 
or consultation and just four minutes notice. That is unspeakably rude 
and total jerk behaviour, so under your own rules you're out of here"?

I'm not just making a rhetorical point. I wouldn't accept that sort of 
unilateral behaviour from my work colleagues. It is pushy and obnoxious 
and breeds resentment and is exactly the sort of reason why some people 
are deeply suspicious of CoCs. And when it happens on a Friday night, 
when people are likely to be away from their computers...


My employer learned the hard lesson that even "self-evidently and 
obviously correct" policy changes need a consultation period before 
making official. No single manager can be allowed to make unilateral 
policy changes for the entire group without giving the other relevant 
managers time to respond. Python is over 20 years old and the core devs 
have managed without a CoC for all that time. You could have, should 
have, waited a few days before seemingly ramming this policy change in 
behind people's backs.

> so as long as we try and keep people from
> being rude  it won't come up. Quite frankly, the CoC is really just meant
> as a way for people to feel comfortable in knowing they don't have to
> tolerate jerks.

Nobody *has* to tolerate jerks, especially on an email forum. Just 
filter their emails into the trash.

Or maybe people could be a bit more flexible in what behaviour they 
accept from others and a bit less quick to label others as jerks?

This is an international group, and I'm an Australian, and the language 
I use with my wife, friends and co-workers is far more forthright and 
strong than the language I use here. But if I slip occasionally, and 
call a spade a bloody shovel as they say, I don't want those with more 
restrictive, less enlightened or even merely different standards to be 
able to formally rebuke me. Why should I have to change my behaviour 
more than I already do? Why can't they be a bit more flexible and 
accepting of differences and less judgmental?

> And I would hope none of us are jerks to people in the community,

If I knew what you considered "a jerk", then I might be able to say 
whether I agreed or disagreed. For all I know, you might consider this 
email to be nothing but me being a jerk.

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