On Thu, 07 Jul 2016 11:15:29 -0500, Zachary Ware <zachary.ware+py...@gmail.com> 
> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> > I'm wondering if I've broken something at my end, or if everyone is
> > seeing the same error.
> Works fine for me.  Have you rebuilt since pulling?  If a simple
> 'make' doesn't do it for you, try an hg purge before redoing configure
> and make.  If you don't have the purge extension enabled, you can
> enable it for one command like so: `hg --config extensions.purge=
> purge --all`.  Note that `hg purge --all` will remove all untracked
> files, so be sure you don't have any stray files in the repo that you
> want to keep.

I've never had a need to use hg purge.  'make distclean' has always
been enough for me in these situations.

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