On 26.01.2017 16:52, Victor Stinner wrote:
> 2017-01-26 14:49 GMT+01:00 Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com>:
>> With Raymond volunteering as mentor, I think an approach where changes
>> are still reviewed, but it's Mariatta that does the final commit would
>> work.
>> That would be pretty similar to the way things worked when I
>> recommended Yury for commit privileges - at the start, the only thing
>> that changed was that the final step in the review process changed
>> from "wait until I find time to commit the change" to "looks good to
>> me, go ahead and make the change".
> Right. When I proposed Xiang Xhang, there was no 100% agreement, but I
> mentored him and put strong rules for the first weeks. He had to wait
> for at least one LGTM from another core dev and asks me for a final
> approval. IMHO it worked well, and Xiang is now autonomous. I now
> trust him to make the good choices ;-)

Good approach.

IMO, enabling people to take on responsibility is the best way
to create well working teams.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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