I've had another look at some of the PRs we do have on Github and
must say, that it seems we're discussing a problem which doesn't
really exist predominantly on our PR tracker:


I haven't checked all PRs, but the ones which have a few more
comments do mostly deal with code reviews.

On 03.05.2017 10:06, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 3 May 2017 at 05:09, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
>> This doesn't have much to do with UX/UI. It's mainly a questions
>> of culture.
> It's about the UI/UX for me, as Roundup is missing a few modern
> collaboration features:
> 1. Easy user mentions: I can't just mention someone inline based on
> autocompletion, I have to go up and add them to the nosy list
> 2. Easy issue mentions: I don't get autocompletion pop-ups for issue
> cross-references to help fill in the right ones
> 3. Easy editing: if I post incorrect information, or the goal of an
> issue changes, that gets buried in a subsequent correction post
> 4. Easy formatting: RoundUp is plaintext only, with no ReST or Markdown 
> support
> 5. Easy reactions: no native +1 support to avoid "Usenet nod syndrome"
> without spamming folks following the issue
> None of them are particularly significant in isolation, but
> collectively they and similar reductions in UX friction add up to a
> significantly more fluid collaboration experience in the modern,
> commercially supported, tools.
> That said, those are also all straightforward enough to add that I
> think the right question to ask is "How can we get them added to
> either upstream Roundup, or at least our instance of it?", but
> claiming that these kinds of UI/UX limitations don't matter or don't
> currently exist won't help anyone.

For the quality of discussions, I don't think the UI/UX matters
much. Having a better UI will help simplify discussions, but not
necessarily result in better content :-)

>> Github is more geared up for a culture of quick chat
>> style comments, whereas bpo has traditionally seen a more elaborate
>> in-depth discussions style.
> This simply isn't an accurate characterisation of the way people use
> GitHub - I participate in several GitHub and GitLab hosted projects,
> and the issues and the PR level comments get used exactly the same way
> that we use bugs.python.org.

Well, it's my personal experience with Github. The UI often attracts
a lot of noise, causing the experience to not always be great. They
have added the +1 feature to at least reduce the number of me-too

And BTW: you do have the same problem we're discussing here on Github
as well: design discussions happening on the PRs instead of on the
issue tracker :-) Github supports this even more, since the distinction
between a PR thread and an issue discussion is not all that
clear - both are "issues" in the context of Github and can be
referenced using the same #ticket logic.

> The rationale for retaining the latter relates to maintaining URL
> stability, avoiding breaking our own and third party integrations,
> preserving current email-based individual workflows, and maintaining a
> PSF controlled archive of significant design decisions, rather than
> any particular flaws in alternative issue trackers.

I don't think we should open a discussion of whether to move away
from bpo or not.

The thread topic only refers to how we deal with
discussions which should be had on bpo rather than Github PRs
and I think we mostly agree that having them on bpo is better,
regardless of how we view Github discussions in general.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Experts (#1, May 03 2017)
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::: We implement business ideas - efficiently in both time and costs :::

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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