On Thu, 04 May 2017 17:44:46 -0000, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> (And just so I can claim I stated this publicly at some point; our Roundup
> installation I think runs on Python 2.6 and Roundup itself has not been
> ported to Python 3, so I don't know what we want to do if Roundup doesn't
> make the switch by 2020.)

There is intent to port, and some movement, but the number of people
actively working on Roundup is small.  As in single digits small.  Of
one hand.


PS: our roundup runs on 2.6 because that's what the host OS version
provides.  Roundup is planning to drop 2.6 support in the next release,
so we're going to have to deal with *that* *before* 2020 :)
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