On Fri, 06 Oct 2017 09:09:01 -0700, Mariatta Wijaya <mariatta.wij...@gmail.com> 
> The windows team is notified because the PR includes changes to PCBuild/*

If you get a review request that says your review was requested "as a
code owner", then it was an auto-request, it wasn't actually requested
by the person named in the message (which I agree is confusing).

You can look through the diff to check for changes to PC, PCBuild, msi,
or nuget to see if there are windows changes you do want to review.
The config for the auto-review-requests is in .github/CODEOWNERS; the
current windows team entries are:

    # Windows
    /PC/                          @python/windows-team
    /PCBuild/                     @python/windows-team

    # Windows installer packages
    /Tools/msi/                   @python/windows-team
    /Tools/nuget/                 @python/windows-team
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