Happy belated Halloween to those who celebrate it; I hope it wasn't too scary!  
Also possibly scary: we have just a little over 12 weeks remaining until Python 
3.7's feature code cutoff, 2018-01-29.  Those 12 weeks include a number of 
traditional holidays around the world so, if you are planning on writing 
another PEP for 3.7 or working on getting an existing one approved or getting 
feature code reviewed, please plan accordingly.        If you have something in 
the pipeline, please either let me know or, when implemented, add the feature 
to PEP 537, the 3.7 Release Schedule PEP.  As you may recall, the release 
schedule calls for 4 alpha preview releases prior to the feature code cutoff 
with the first beta release.  We have already produced the first two alphas.  
Reviewing the schedule recently, I realized that I had "front-loaded" the 
alphas, leaving a bigger gap between the final alphas and the first beta.  So I 
have adjusted the schedule a bit, pushing alpha 3 and 4 out.  The new d
 ates are:

- 3.7.0 alpha 3: 2017-11-27 (was 2017-11-13)
- 3.7.0 alpha 4: 2018-01-08 (was 2017-12-18)
- 3.7.0 beta 1:  2018-01-29 (feature freeze - unchanged)

I hope the new dates give you a little bit more time to get your bits finished 
and get a little bit of exposure prior to the feature freeze.

Considering how quickly and positively it has been adopted, 3.6 is going to be 
a tough act to follow.  But we can do it again.  Thank you all for your ongoing 


  Ned Deily
  n...@python.org -- []

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