On Dec 7, 2017, at 19:00, Christian Heimes <christ...@python.org> wrote:
> Why is there 'Docker' in the name? Is the container image restricted to
> Docker runtime or can I use it with lxc, systemd-nspawn, rkt, or any
> other container runtime, too?

I honestly don’t know, and I’ve only used it with Docker, but there is the Open 
Container Initiative to promote standards, so maybe it can.


> There are likely legal issues with the name, too. After all 'Docker' is
> a registered trademark of Docker, Inc [1]. I'd be careful and call it
> 'Python.Org Official Multiversion Development Supercalifragilistic
> Container Image' instead.

Yeah, that’s a good suggestion.  Well, maybe without the Potential Poppins 

(And yes, I’m going to follow up on python-dev now.)


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