On May 24, 2018, at 13:46, Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
> On 05/24/2018 10:08 AM, Ned Deily wrote:
>> If you (or anyone else) feels strongly enough about it, you should re-open 
>> the issue now and make it as a "release blocker" and we should discuss the 
>> implications and possible plans of action in the issue.
> About that.  According to the Python Dev Guide:
> Whether a bug is a *release blocker* for the current release schedule is 
> decided by the release manager. Triagers may recommend this priority and 
> should add the release manager to the nosy list.
> https://devguide.python.org/triaging/#priority
> Of course, a particular release manager (e.g. Ned here) can change the policy 
> for their releases.  But by default, unless you're the release manager for 
> release X, you should not mark issues as "Release Blocker" for release X.  
> This seems like a sensible policy to me, and effective immediately I'm going 
> to hold to this policy for my releases (3.4 and 3.5).

I think we're reading the same words a bit differently.  There's no question 
that the Release Manager makes the ultimate call whether an issue remains a 
"Release Blocker" or not.  But it seems to me that the safest and most reliable 
way to ensure that the Release Manager makes that decision is by having a 
triager or submitter *provisionally* set the priority to "release blocker".  It 
is then on the Release Manager's radar to accept or reject.  I think that 
policy is totally in the spirit of the Dev Guide wording but I'm fine with 
other release managers accepting differing interpretations for their releases ;)

As for 3.6.x and 3.7.x, I would much prefer to have too many proposed "release 
blocker" issues than to have too few.  And the sooner they are reported, the 

  Ned Deily
  n...@python.org -- []

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