I’d also add that it is generally a good thing that people with power and a 
voice (e.g. the core devs) are having a similar experience that an external 
contributor would. This is our best line of defense against the external 
contributor experience degrading to a bad place. By having core devs share a 
similar experience, we can get feedback like the one about AppVeyor and try to 
improve things for everyone, instead of simply giving core devs a way to opt 
out of the pain. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 4, 2018, at 1:54 PM, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> Please realize that every time we have switched off CI, we have ended up with 
> a broken branch, so it's a trade-off between these occasional hiccups or 
> occasionally broken branches (and as Victor has pointed out, we are not 
> always good as a group about making sure we notice when stuff breaks). Also 
> note that because we now have branches that are almost always stable we have 
> users who actually run from a checkout directly instead of waiting for a 
> release (which also benefits us by helping to surface bugs earlier than e.g. 
> an RC).

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