08.07.18 13:02, Larry Hastings пише:
On 07/08/2018 01:31 AM, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
I suggest to merge a 3.5 specific documentation fix for CALL_FUNCTION_VAR and CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW opcodes. There were undocumented changes in 3.5, and third-party projects which implement interpreting or generating these opcodes do it incorrectly. The behavior change was subtle, simple tests will not catch it.


I'm happy to consider documentation changes at any time.  As far as this change goes: if you look at the PR you'll see I'm the one who closed it.  While I acknowledge that the current documentation is imprecise, this PR made the docs inaccurate, and therefore, worse.

The current documentation is not just imprecise, it is wrong. My English is so bad that I don't understand what is wrong with the proposed PR. To me, it adds correct information. Would be nice if you or other native English speaker suggest better wording. This is not a minor documentation change, this is a fix of a single official documentation about CPython bytecode.

I'm sorry for reminding about this issue. I thought you forgot about it. This issue was open for 3.5 and marked as "release blocker", but you have not mentioned it.

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