On Thu, 12 Jul 2018 at 10:42 Eric Snow <ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 10:55 AM Yury Selivanov <yselivanov...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you, Guido.  This is a sad day for me personally; I really hoped
> > you'd lead Python for a few more years.  On the other hand, Python is
> > in good hands, you've built a large enough and diverse community
> > around it!
> +1
> Thank you for putting so much time, effort, and care into both the
> language and its community!  We cannot thank you enough.
> > As for the new governing model, I imagine that we don't need to make
> > any decisions *right now*.  As Victor suggested, core devs can simply
> > count +1/-1 on any language feature and we'll see how it goes.  Or
> > maybe the first such vote should be on the new governing model? :)  I
> > really hope that we won't have an excruciating debate on the mailing
> > list about the governing model though; maybe we can discuss it on the
> > upcoming core dev sprint.
> In the short term we could appoint a *temporary* triumvirate to fill
> in as BDFL (with the intent to re-assess the situation in September if
> we haven't resolved on a permanent solution by then).  That would
> allow us to maintain business-as-usual (and try out a triumvirate).
> If we go that route then I'd recommend Brett, Nick, and Barry.

I don't think we need a temporary solution while we digest this and figure
out how we want to manage ourselves. Short of some horrible CoC catastrophe
we can just hold off on making any final decisions on PEPs until a decision
is made in how we want to handle PEPs going forward since Python 3.8 isn't
hitting beta until May 2019 (and even if it was close we don't need to ever
rush anything into a release as there's always the next release :) .
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