On 13Jul2018 1600, Larry Hastings wrote:
I disagree.  My proposal for Python's Council Of Elders is partially based on the Supreme Court Of The United States.  For example, SCOTUS judges are appointed for life, and I think PCOE members should be too.

When SCOTUS renders a decision:

  * the deliberation is held in private, but then
  * the judges cast their votes,
  * the "winning" side writes up the official decision, called "the
    Court's opinion",
  * and any member may contribute their own individual opinion,
    concurring /or/ dissenting, and finally
  * all votes and opinions contributed to the decision are made public.

This seems like a sensible approach for the PCOE to me too.  I prefer more transparency in governance generally, and as a member of the community governed by this body I'd prefer more rather than less insight into the process and the thinking that went into the decision.  I don't think it's a requirement for the PCOE to present as a unified front or to work in secret for them to be supportive of each other and of the body's decision.

Sunlight, not darkness

I agree with Larry, at least until the point at which we see "the public" aggressively idolising or demonising those members of the Council with whom they agree/disagree. Then I'll change my mind :)

(For those who are unfamiliar with the phenomenon I'm referencing, wait for SCOTUS to decide _anything_ and then go look at American Twitter.)

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